Can bearded dragons eat grapes? Yes, but you need to do so with caution.
In this article:
- Discover the secrets of feeding your bearded dragon a balanced and nutritious diet that will keep them healthy and happy
- Learn what fruits bearded dragons can eat and how often to feed them these delicious treats
- Find out what foods to avoid for your bearded dragon and why they can cause serious health problems or even death
- Understand the importance of vitamins and minerals for your bearded dragon and how to provide them with the best sources
- Get tips on how to keep your bearded dragon hydrated and help them shed with baths and misting
What’s the Ideal Diet to Feed Your Bearded Dragon?
Beardies are omnivores and need a balanced diet of insects, vegetables, greens, and fruits. The ratio of insects to plant matter depends on the age and size of the bearded dragon. Younger and smaller dragons need more insects for protein and calcium, while older and larger dragons need more plant matter for fiber and vitamins.
Insects provide protein, calcium, and other nutrients that are essential for a lizard to stay healthy and grow.
Some of the best insects to feed bearded dragons are crickets, dubia roaches, black soldier fly larvae, locusts, and earthworms.
Plant matter provides fiber, vitamins, and minerals that help bearded dragon’s digestion, immunity, and metabolism. Some of the best plant matter to feed bearded dragons are sprouts, escarole, watercress, parsley, okra, sweet potato, green beans, kale, hibiscus, carrots, collard greens, and broccoli.
How Often Can Bearded Dragons Have Grapes?
Grapes are not a staple food for bearded dragons and should only be offered as occasional treats. Grapes are high in sugar, water, and oxalates, which can cause health problems for bearded dragons if consumed too much or too often.
The frequency of feeding grapes to bearded dragons depends on their age and size. Generally, adult bearded dragons can have grapes once a week or less, while juvenile bearded dragons can have grapes once a month or less. Baby bearded dragons should not have grapes at all as they need more insects for their growth.
How To Feed Your Beardie Grapes
Grapes should be washed thoroughly before feeding to remove any pesticides or dirt. Grapes should be cut into small pieces or sliced to prevent choking or impaction. Grapes should also be seedless or have the seeds removed as they can pose a choking hazard or cause impaction for bearded dragons.
Grapes should be fed by hand or in a shallow dish to avoid insects hiding or eating under them. Grapes should not be mixed with other fruits or vegetables as they can spoil faster or affect the digestion of other foods.
Grapes should also not be left in the enclosure for too long as they can attract flies or mold.
Does The Kind Of Grape Matter?
They can eat green, purple or red grapes but do not feed your bearded dragon the grape seeds.
Grape seeds can pose a choking hazard or cause impaction for bearded dragons. Impaction is a digestive tract blockage that can lead to serious health problems or death.
Grape skins are edible but may be hard to digest for some bearded dragons. Some bearded dragons may have trouble passing grape skins or may experience stomach upset after eating them.
Can Bearded Dragons Eat Grape Leaves?
Grape leaves are also edible for bearded dragons but should be fed sparingly and with caution. Grape leaves contain oxalates, which can bind with calcium and reduce its absorption in the body.
This can lead to calcium deficiency or metabolic bone disease (MBD) in bearded dragons. MBD is a condition that causes weak bones, deformities and paralysis in reptiles.
Grape leaves should be washed thoroughly and chopped finely before feeding to bearded dragons. Grape leaves should not be fed more than once a week and should be balanced with calcium-rich foods or supplements.
Other Fruits to Feed a Bearded Dragon
Fruits are not a major part of a bearded dragon’s diet but can provide variety and enrichment. Fruits should be low in sugar, water and oxalates and high in vitamins and antioxidants. Fruits can also help hydrate bearded dragons and stimulate their appetite.
Some examples of safe and beneficial fruits for bearded dragons are apples, bananas, berries, melons, peaches, plums, figs, papayas and mangoes. These fruits contain vitamin C, fiber, potassium and other nutrients that can support bearded dragon’s health. However, fruits should only be fed occasionally and in moderation as they can cause digestive issues or obesity if eaten too much or too often.
Foods to Avoid for Your Bearded Dragon
Some foods are toxic or harmful for bearded dragons and should never be fed to them. These foods can cause serious health problems or even death for bearded dragons.
Some examples of foods to avoid are citrus fruits, avocado, onion, garlic, lettuce, spinach, rhubarb, mushrooms and eggplant. These foods contain substances that can cause digestive issues, kidney damage, calcium deficiency, oxalate poisoning or metabolic bone disease (MBD) in bearded dragons. MBD is a condition that causes weak bones, deformities and paralysis in reptiles.
Vitamins & Minerals Your Bearded Dragon Needs
Bearded dragons need a variety of vitamins and minerals to support their growth, development and health. Calcium and vitamin D3 are especially important for bearded dragons as they prevent metabolic bone disease (MBD) .
Bearded dragons can get calcium from insects dusted with calcium powder or from calcium-rich plant matter such as kale, collard greens, bok choy or dandelion greens. Bearded dragons can get vitamin D3 from exposure to natural sunlight or UVB light bulbs in their enclosure. Vitamin D3 helps bearded dragons absorb calcium from their food.
Bearded dragons also need other vitamins and minerals such as vitamin A, C, E, iron, zinc and magnesium . These vitamins and minerals can be found in various fruits, vegetables and greens that are safe for bearded dragons to eat.
Water & Hydration
Bearded dragons need water to stay hydrated and healthy. Water helps bearded dragons regulate their body temperature, digest their food and flush out toxins.
Bearded dragons do not drink water from a bowl but get most of it from their food or licking dew drops. Bearded dragons can eat foods high in water, such as fruits, vegetables and greens. Bearded dragons can also lick water droplets from their enclosure walls, plants, or noses .
Bearded dragons can also benefit from occasional baths or misting to help them shed and hydrate. Baths can soften the skin and loosen the old scales of bearded dragons. Misting can provide moisture and humidity for bearded dragons. However, baths and misting should not be done too often or too long as they can cause respiratory infections or fungal growth.
Q: What else can bearded dragons eat?
A: Bearded dragons can eat a variety of foods including leafy greens, vegetables, and insects. It is important to provide them with a balanced diet to ensure their health.
Q: How often can I feed my bearded dragon grapes?
A: It is recommended to not feed your bearded dragon grapes every day. They should only be given as a treat once or twice a week.
Q: What do grapes contain that make them beneficial for bearded dragons?
A: Grapes contain fruit acid and provide some hydration for your bearded dragon. However, they should be fed in moderation as they also contain a lot of sugar.
Q: Can bearded dragons eat seedless grapes?
A: Yes, bearded dragons can eat seedless grapes. It is important to cut the grapes into small pieces and to remove any seeds before feeding them to your beardie.
Q: Are grapes safe to feed to my bearded dragon?
A: Yes, grapes are generally safe to feed to your bearded dragon in moderation. However, be sure to only feed them the flesh of the grape and not the skin, as the skin of red grapes in particular can be quite tough for their bodies to digest.
Q: Do bearded dragons like grapes?
A: Some bearded dragons may enjoy eating grapes, while others may not show much interest in them.
Q: Can feeding grapes to my bearded dragon cause any health problems?
A: Feeding too many grapes to your bearded dragon can lead to digestive issues, obesity, and potentially even gout. It is important to only give grapes as a treat in moderation.
Q: What other fruits can I feed my bearded dragon besides grapes?
A: Bearded dragons can also eat fruits such as watermelon, but it is important to be mindful of portion sizes and to cut the fruit into small pieces to avoid any choking hazards.
Q: Should I feed my bearded dragon grapes every day?
A: No, grapes should not be a daily part of a bearded dragon’s diet. They should only be given as an occasional treat.