Can Bearded Dragons Eat Tomatoes?

Can bearded dragons eat tomatoes? The answer is yes, you can feed your dragon tomatoes but with some caution. 

Tomatoes can be fed to bearded dragons as an occasional treat or supplement, but not as a staple food.

They have some benefits, but also some risks that need to be considered.

In this article:

  • Discover why tomatoes can be a delicious and nutritious treat for your bearded dragon, but also a potential danger if fed too often or too much
  • Learn how to choose, prepare and serve the best types of tomatoes for your bearded dragon, and what to avoid at all costs
  • Find out how often and how much tomatoes you can feed to your bearded dragon without risking their health or well-being
  • Explore the other fruits and vegetables that are better for your bearded dragon than tomatoes, and how to create a balanced and varied diet for them
  • Recognize the signs and symptoms of tomato toxicity or overdose in your bearded dragon, and what to do if it happens
  • Understand the benefits of feeding tomatoes to your bearded dragon in terms of enrichment and stimulation, and how to make it fun and enjoyable for them


Nutritional Value of Tomatoes for Bearded Dragons

Tomatoes contain some benefits, such as:

Nutrient Tomatoes Benefits
Water Content High (about 95%) Hydrates bearded dragon and prevents dehydration
Vitamin C High Protects from oxidative stress, boosts immune system, aids in wound healing and iron absorption
Vitamin A High Supports vision, skin, and mucous membranes, aids in growth and reproduction
Sugar Content Low Helps prevent obesity and diabetes, reduces risk of tooth decay and fungal infections
Oxalate Content Low Helps prevent calcium deficiency and metabolic bone disease
Goitrogen Content Low Does not interfere with thyroid gland function
Calcium Moderate (not ideal) Provides essential mineral for bone health
Phosphorus Moderate (not ideal) Provides essential mineral for metabolism
Calcium to Phosphorus Ratio 1:1.3 (not ideal but not too bad either) Balance of minerals for overall health and prevents metabolic bone disease

Potential Risks of Tomatoes for Bearded Dragons

Tomatoes also have some drawbacks for bearded dragons, such as:

  • Too much water: As mentioned above, too much water can cause diarrhea or dehydration in your bearded dragon. This can lead to loss of appetite, weight loss, lethargy and electrolyte imbalance. It can also affect their kidney function and cause urinary tract infections or stones.
  • Too much vitamin A: While vitamin A is beneficial for your bearded dragon, too much of it can cause hypervitaminosis A or vitamin A toxicity. This can result in liver damage, bone deformities, skin problems and neurological disorders. It can also interfere with vitamin D synthesis and calcium metabolism.
  • Too much phosphorus: As mentioned above, too much phosphorus can bind with calcium and cause metabolic bone disease in your bearded dragon. This can result in weak bones, fractures, deformities, organ failure and death.
  • Tomato leaves and stems: Tomato leaves and stems are toxic for bearded dragons and should never be fed to them. They contain solanine and tomatine, which are alkaloids that can cause gastrointestinal irritation, vomiting, diarrhea, tremors, seizures and death. They can also affect the nervous system and the heart of your bearded dragon.




How Often Can Bearded Dragons Have Tomatoes?

Tomatoes can be a tasty and healthy treat for your bearded dragon, but they should not be fed too often or too much. Tomatoes are high in water, vitamin A and phosphorus, which can cause problems for your bearded dragon if consumed in excess. Tomatoes are also low in calcium, which is an essential mineral for your bearded dragon’s bone health and metabolism.

The recommended frequency and portion size of tomatoes for bearded dragons are:

  • Feed tomatoes once or twice a week as a treat or supplement. They hydrate and boost immunity, but can cause diarrhea, dehydration and liver damage if too much.
  • Feed tomatoes no more than 10% of daily veggies. This balances nutrition and prevents deficiencies or imbalances.
  • Feed one or two small slices or cherry tomatoes per feeding. Cut or mash them and remove seeds and skin. This prevents choking or impaction and irritation or blockage.


How Can Bearded Dragons Eat Tomatoes?

To feed tomatoes to your bearded dragon, you need to follow these steps:

  • Wash and rinse thoroughly to remove pesticides and dirt that can harm your bearded dragon’s health. You can use a vegetable brush, a cloth, a mild soap or vinegar solution to clean the tomatoes, but make sure to rinse them well afterwards.
  • Cut into bite-sized pieces or mash into a puree to help your bearded dragon digest and swallow the tomatoes more easily and avoid choking or impaction. You can use a knife or a blender to do this. You can also peel the tomatoes if you want, but this is not necessary.
  • Remove seeds and skin if possible to prevent irritation or blockage in your bearded dragon’s digestive system. You can use a spoon or a strainer to do this. However, if you cannot remove them completely, do not worry too much, as they are not very harmful in small amounts.
  • Mix with other vegetables or greens to balance the nutrition and provide your bearded dragon with a variety of vitamins, minerals and fiber. You can use leafy greens, squash, carrots, bell peppers, green beans and peas for this. You can also add some insects or worms for extra protein and calcium.
  • Offer at room temperature or slightly warm to make it more comfortable and natural for your bearded dragon. Cold tomatoes can cause digestive issues or lower their body temperature. Hot tomatoes can burn their mouth or throat. You can use a microwave or a hot water bath to warm up the tomatoes slightly, but make sure to check the temperature before feeding them to your bearded dragon.


What Can Bearded Dragons Eat More Often Than Tomatoes?

Tomatoes are not the best fruit for bearded dragons, as they have some drawbacks and should be fed sparingly. There are other fruits and vegetables that are better for bearded dragons than tomatoes, as they have more nutritional value and less risks. Some of these fruits and vegetables are:

  • Leafy greens like kale, collard greens, dandelion greens and mustard greens. These are high in calcium, fiber and vitamin K, which can support your bearded dragon’s bone health, digestion and blood clotting. They are also low in oxalates, goitrogens and sugar, which can prevent calcium deficiency, thyroid problems and obesity. You can feed your bearded dragon leafy greens daily, as they should make up about 50% of their vegetable intake.
  • Squash like butternut, acorn, pumpkin and zucchini. These are high in beta-carotene, vitamin C and vitamin B6, which can boost your bearded dragon’s immune system, vision and metabolism. They are also low in sugar and oxalates, which can prevent diabetes and metabolic bone disease. You can feed your bearded dragon squash every other day, as they should make up about 25% of their vegetable intake.
  • Carrotssweet potatoesbell peppersgreen beans and peas. These are high in vitamin A, vitamin C and antioxidants, which can protect your bearded dragon from oxidative stress and infections. They are also moderate in sugar and oxalates, which can be balanced with other foods. You can feed your bearded dragon these vegetables once or twice a week, as they should make up about 10% of their vegetable intake.
  • Berries like blueberries, raspberries, strawberries and blackberries. These are high in antioxidants, vitamin C and fiber, which can help your bearded dragon fight free radicals, heal wounds and regulate bowel movements. They are also low in sugar and oxalates, which can prevent obesity and calcium deficiency. You can feed your bearded dragon berries once or twice a week, as they should make up about 5% of their fruit intake.
  • Melons like cantaloupe, honeydew and watermelon. These are high in water, vitamin C and vitamin A, which can hydrate your bearded dragon and support their skin and mucous membranes. They are also low in sugar and oxalates, which can prevent dehydration and metabolic bone disease. You can feed your bearded dragon melons once or twice a week, as they should make up about 5% of their fruit intake.

These fruits and vegetables are better for your bearded dragon than tomatoes, as they have more benefits and less risks. However, you should still feed them in moderation and with variety, as too much of anything can cause problems for your bearded dragon. You should also wash and chop them before feeding them to your bearded dragon, to remove any pesticides or dirt and to prevent choking or impaction.


What Are The Signs And Symptoms Of Tomato Toxicity Or Overdose In Bearded Dragons?

Tomatoes can be toxic or harmful for bearded dragons if they eat too much of them or if they eat the leaves and stems. This can cause a variety of symptoms that can affect their health and well-being. Some of the signs and symptoms of tomato toxicity or overdose in bearded dragons are:

  • Lethargy, weakness, loss of appetite or weight: These are general signs of illness or distress in bearded dragons. They can indicate that your bearded dragon is not feeling well or that they have an infection or organ damage. They can also result from dehydration, electrolyte imbalance or low blood sugar caused by too much water or vitamin A in tomatoes.
  • Vomiting, diarrhea, bloating or constipation: These are signs of gastrointestinal problems in bearded dragons. They can indicate that your bearded dragon has eaten something that irritates or blocks their digestive system. They can also result from too much water, vitamin A or phosphorus in tomatoes, which can cause diarrhea, dehydration, hypervitaminosis A or metabolic bone disease.
  • Swelling, inflammation or bleeding of the mouth, throat or stomach: These are signs of oral or internal injuries in bearded dragons. They can indicate that your bearded dragon has eaten something that cuts or burns their mouth, throat or stomach. They can also result from the solanine and tomatine in tomato leaves and stems, which are toxic and can cause gastrointestinal irritation, vomiting, diarrhea, tremors, seizures and death.
  • Difficulty breathing, wheezing or coughing: These are signs of respiratory problems in bearded dragons. They can indicate that your bearded dragon has an infection, an allergy or a foreign object in their lungs. They can also result from the solanine and tomatine in tomato leaves and stems, which can affect the nervous system and the heart of your bearded dragon and cause respiratory issues.
  • Seizures, tremors or paralysis: These are signs of neurological problems in bearded dragons. They can indicate that your bearded dragon has a brain injury, a stroke or a seizure disorder. They can also result from the solanine and tomatine in tomato leaves and stems, which can affect the nervous system and the heart of your bearded dragon and cause tremors, seizures and paralysis.


What Are The Best Types Of Tomatoes For Bearded Dragons?

Not all tomatoes are created equal, and some are better for bearded dragons than others. The best types of tomatoes for bearded dragons are:

  • Organic tomatoes that are free of pesticides and chemicals. Pesticides and chemicals can be harmful for your bearded dragon’s health and can cause various problems such as infections, allergies or organ damage.
  • Ripe tomatoes that are red, firm and juicy. Ripe tomatoes have more flavor, nutrition and juice than unripe or overripe tomatoes. They also have less solanine and tomatine, which are the toxic compounds found in tomato leaves and stems. Ripe tomatoes are red, firm and juicy and have a sweet and tangy taste. You can tell if a tomato is ripe by looking at its color, texture and smell.
  • Small tomatoes that are easier to digest and have less seeds and skin. Small tomatoes such as cherry tomatoes, grape tomatoes or plum tomatoes are easier for your bearded dragon to digest and swallow than large tomatoes such as beefsteak tomatoes or roma tomatoes. They also have less seeds and skin, which can cause irritation or blockage in your bearded dragon’s digestive system.
  • Fresh tomatoes that are not canned, cooked or processed. Fresh tomatoes have more nutrition, flavor and juice than canned, cooked or processed tomatoes. They also have less sodium, sugar and additives, which can cause problems for your bearded dragon such as obesity, diabetes or kidney issues. Fresh tomatoes are raw and unprocessed and have a natural and fresh taste.


What Are The Alternatives To Tomatoes If Bearded Dragons Are Allergic Or Intolerant To Them?

Some bearded dragons may be allergic or intolerant to tomatoes or any other foods that contain tomato products. This can cause various symptoms such as itching, swelling, hives or anaphylaxis, which can be life-threatening. If you suspect that your bearded dragon is allergic or intolerant to tomatoes, you should do the following:

  • Observe for any signs of allergic reaction after feeding tomatoes. These can include scratching, rubbing, licking or biting the skin, face or mouth; swelling of the eyes, lips, tongue or throat; redness, rash or bumps on the skin; difficulty breathing, wheezing or coughing; vomiting, diarrhea or drooling; lethargy, weakness or collapse. These signs can occur within minutes or hours after feeding tomatoes.
  • Consult a veterinarian for diagnosis and treatment if needed. Your veterinarian can confirm if your bearded dragon is allergic or intolerant to tomatoes by performing a skin test, a blood test or an elimination diet. They can also prescribe medication such as antihistamines, steroids or epinephrine to treat the symptoms and prevent further reactions.
  • Avoid giving your bearded dragon tomatoes or any other foods that contain tomato products to your bearded dragon. This includes ketchup, salsa, tomato sauce, tomato paste, tomato juice and tomato soup. These foods can trigger or worsen the allergic reaction and cause more problems for your bearded dragon.
  • Feed other fruits that are similar to tomatoes in taste and texture to your bearded dragon. These include grapes, cherries and cranberries. These fruits are also juicy, sweet and tangy like tomatoes, but they are safer and more suitable for your bearded dragon. They are also high in antioxidants, vitamin C and fiber, which can benefit your bearded dragon’s health. You can feed these fruits once or twice a week as a treat or supplement to your bearded dragon.


What Are The Benefits Of Feeding Tomatoes To Bearded Dragons In Terms Of Enrichment And Stimulation?

Feeding tomatoes to your bearded dragon can also have some benefits in terms of enrichment and stimulation. Enrichment and stimulation are important for your bearded dragon’s mental and physical well-being, as they can prevent boredom, stress and depression. Some of the benefits of feeding tomatoes to your bearded dragon in terms of enrichment and stimulation are:

  • Offer a variety of colors, shapes, sizes and flavors that can appeal to your bearded dragon’s senses and curiosity. You can choose different types of tomatoes such as cherry tomatoes, grape tomatoes, plum tomatoes and beefsteak tomatoes. You can also vary the ripeness, sweetness, tanginess and bitterness of the tomatoes.
  • Hide, scatter or hang the tomatoes in your bearded dragon’s enclosure to make them search, chase or reach for them. This can mimic their natural foraging and hunting behaviors in the wild and provide them with some physical exercise and mental challenge.
  • Cut or mash the tomatoes into bite-sized pieces or puree to make them chew and swallow them more easily. This can help them exercise their jaw muscles and teeth and improve their digestion.
  • Remove the seeds and skin if possible to prevent irritation or blockage in your bearded dragon’s digestive system. You can use a spoon or a strainer to do this. However, if you cannot remove them completely, do not worry too much, as they are not very harmful in small amounts.
  • Mix the tomatoes with other vegetables or greens to balance the nutrition and provide your bearded dragon with a variety of vitamins, minerals and fiber. You can use leafy greens, squash, carrots, bell peppers, green beans and peas for this. You can also add some insects or worms for extra protein and calcium.
  • Offer the tomatoes at room temperature or slightly warm to make it more comfortable and natural for your bearded dragon. Cold tomatoes can cause digestive issues or lower their body temperature. Hot tomatoes can burn their mouth or throat. You can use a microwave or a hot water bath to warm up the tomatoes slightly, but make sure to check the temperature before feeding them to your bearded dragon.


Key Takeaways

In this article, we have answered the question: can bearded dragons eat tomatoes? Here are the main points that we have covered:

  • Tomatoes are an occasional treat or supplement, not a staple food. They have benefits and risks for bearded dragons.
  • Tomatoes hydrate and boost immunity, but can cause diarrhea, dehydration and liver damage if too much.
  • Tomatoes prevent obesity, diabetes and thyroid problems, but can cause metabolic bone disease if too often or too much.
  • Tomato leaves and stems are toxic and deadly for bearded dragons. Never feed them.
  • Feed tomatoes once or twice a week, no more than 10% of veggies, one or two small slices or cherry tomatoes per feeding.
  • Wash, rinse, cut, mash, remove seeds and skin, mix with other veggies or greens, offer at room temp or slightly warm.
  • Better fruits and veggies than tomatoes are leafy greens, squash, carrots, sweet potatoes, bell peppers, green beans, peas, berries and melons.
  • Tomato toxicity or overdose symptoms are lethargy, weakness, loss of appetite or weight; vomiting, diarrhea, bloating or constipation; swelling, inflammation or bleeding of mouth, throat or stomach; difficulty breathing, wheezing or coughing; seizures, tremors or paralysis. Stop feeding tomatoes and contact vet ASAP if noticed.
  • Alternatives to tomatoes if allergic or intolerant are grapes, cherries and cranberries. Similar to tomatoes but safer and more suitable. Feed once or twice a week as treat or supplement.
  • Feeding tomatoes can enrich and stimulate bearded dragons. They offer variety of colors, shapes, sizes and flavors; encourage natural behaviors like foraging, hunting, chewing and swallowing; provide hydration, vitamins and antioxidants.


Frequently Asked Questions


Q: How should I prepare tomatoes for my bearded dragon?

A: It is recommended to cut the tomato into small pieces, remove the seeds and remove the skin. This will make it easier for your bearded dragon to digest and avoid any potential choking hazards.


Q: Can baby bearded dragons eat tomatoes?

A: Yes, baby bearded dragons can eat tomatoes, but they should be given in moderation and prepared correctly. It is important to note that baby bearded dragons have different dietary requirements than adult bearded dragons and should be fed a diet that is high in protein and low in vegetables and fruits.


Q: Can bearded dragons eat tomato leaves?

A: No, bearded dragons should not eat tomato leaves as they contain solanine, which can be toxic to them.


Q: Can bearded dragons eat the leaves and stems of tomatoes?

A: No, bearded dragons should not eat the leaves and stems of tomatoes as they contain solanine, which can be toxic to them.


Q: How often can I feed my bearded dragon tomatoes?

A: Tomatoes should only be given to bearded dragons as an occasional treat, not as a regular part of their diet. It is recommended to only give tomatoes once a month or less frequently.


Q: How much tomato should I give my bearded dragon?

A: A quarter of a small tomato is an appropriate amount to give to a bearded dragon as a treat. Too much tomato can cause digestive problems and should be avoided.


Q: Are cherry tomatoes and grape tomatoes safe for bearded dragons to eat?

A: Yes, cherry tomatoes and grape tomatoes are safe for bearded dragons to eat, but they should still be given in moderation and prepared correctly.


Q: What are the benefits of feeding tomatoes to my bearded dragon?

A: Tomatoes are a good source of vitamin C, A, and K, which are important for a bearded dragon’s overall health. However, bearded dragons require a balanced diet consisting of a variety of fruits, vegetables, and proteins, and tomatoes should not be a major part of their diet.


Q: Can I feed my juvenile bearded dragon tomatoes?

A: Yes, but like baby bearded dragons, juvenile bearded dragons should be fed a diet that is high in protein and low in vegetables and fruits. Tomatoes should only be given as an occasional treat.